Team Building: The TinkerList Way

When you hear ‘team building’, you usually think about a day filled with sporty and adventurous activities with your colleagues. Going abroad to Northern Africa probably doesn’t immediately cross your mind… Well, with TinkerList, we decided to be a little bit extra: during five beautiful days we connected with the team and enjoyed the energising sun in a tiny Moroccan village called Tamraght.

For us, this retreat confirmed the open, encouraging, flexible and committed company culture of TinkerList that puts people first.

On the schedule: sand boarding, hiking, surfing and eating amazing food of our ‘Blue Waves Surf House’. Enjoy these pics!

To intensify our bonding, the company coaching team of KOERS joined our trip. Through psychology tests based on the Lumina Spark, workshops and exercises, we got to know ourselves and each person in the team better. We then discovered what our pitfalls & strengths are and where we should invest or cut energy. In that way, we can optimise the collaboration and workflow for every division of the team in the future.

Moreover, this retreat confirmed for us the open, encouraging, flexible and committed company culture of TinkerList that puts people first.

Not only were these workshops a bonding experience in a way that transcends professional connection, we can also apply the gained personal insights of these workshops to our lives in general. A wholesome trip that brought us closer to ourselves and to each other.

TinkerList Team Retreat 2022

Special thank you to the TinkerList Management Team for enabling this unforgettable experience. “Is Brendan with us??”